Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Failure: the Key to Success

I just woke up from a dream nightmare. It was one of those ones where it seemed so real I was actually emotional upon awakening.  For some reason, my broker decided he would acquire and open a restaurant, and all of us agents would be required to work there (Remember, this IS a nightmare.).  We went through a couple of weeks of training and helping to set up the place, all the while contimuing our duties as REALTORS®. Opening day arrived and I came to find out that everyone else had received a time card to punch in and out in order to record their hours. For whatever reason, I was never issued a time card and had no idea I was supposed to clock my hours. (It’s been quite a while since I punched in and out on the job…)

Long story short…I was not going to get paid for all my hard work. AARRGGHH!

Upon waking, I pondered this nightmare for a while and wondered what the hidden meaning might be. After a cup of coffee, I realized I was surely thinking about the closing I have going on right now that is a nightmare in itself.

This transaction has been a whopper from the moment I received the call for the listing appointment. I have been challenged in ways I could never imagine.  After 3 months, we finally got an offer and I worked hard to get the buyers up to about $10,000 ABOVE current market value in that neighborhood.  My husband made a comment once the contract was ratified that “Now, it should be smooth sailing.” Nope. It is never over until it is OVER (and recorded…).

This transaction has gone on and on with the buyer dragging her feet for whatever reason. We are almost a month past the end of the 21 day extension. Now, we are working the contract on a new 14 day extension. I have called the buyer’s agent daily for updates and get nowhere. It seems they are missing a document the bank requires. These days, the banks need EVERYTHING to be in perfect order. My seller’s attorney has started to think this thing is not going to close at all. I am beginning to wonder as well.

Hence, my nightmare…I just might not get paid. After all my hard work and the stress and drama, I may just have to add it all up to a learning experience.  It remains to be seen whether or not this transaction will close. If it does not, there’s a whole other can of worms that will be opened, since my seller is already moved into her new home elsewhere and the closing there is contingent upon THIS closing…

I do a great deal of personal development, and am constantly reading and listening to motivational literature. I am gradually learning that no one has ever become a huge success without a little failure along the way. In fact failure seems to be one of the key factors in achieving mind-boggling success. Failure teaches us how NOT to do things; what NOT to put up with; what NOT to say. If we can learn from our failures, we can do better the next time. I have also learned to accept the things over which I have NO control.

This complicated closing has had me reconsidering my commitment to staying in real estate at all. Yes, it has been that bad.  But, then last night, a friend of mine asked me to help her find a new home to buy. The old positive me jumped back in the game as I remembered WHY I do this in the first place. Yes, it IS about a paycheck. But, it is also about helping people and becoming a better person than I was yesterday.

And heck, the closing still COULD pull through….

Happy House Hunting!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Moving Day!!

Ok, so you have done everything you need to do to close on your new home (or sell it) and made it through all of the closing pitfalls and it is RECORDED that you now own your new home. YAHOO!

Now what????

It's MOVING DAY! Hopefully, you have made plans in advance as to how the move is going to happen, the exact date and time, and where you are headed. Be sure your electricity, water, and other utilities have been transferred into your name. (Believe it or not, some people need reminders about all of this...) It is definitely preferred for the seller to get moved out and have a cleaning crew come through to tidy up prior to closing. A few days prior to closing! But, this sometimes does not happen. I have had a closing where the sellers were still moving out a few hours before closing, so the final walk-through is crucial to be sure you will not have a huge mess when you arrive in your new home. 

Preparing for the move from your former house can be a great deal LESS stressful if you attempt to stay organized and think ahead. I have moved a ton of times in my life so far, so I have my system down. I begin early packing up everything I can think of that is not essential to every day living. As soon as your contract is ratified, you might want to walk through your existing home and start taking stock. 

Then, start with one room at a time, one box at a time, packing stuff up that you just don't use every day. Be sure to use a Sharpie and detail what's inside each box! Nothing is more overwhelming than unpacking a bunch of boxes that all look the same with no idea what is inside. Need boxes? I highly recommend hitting your local liquor store and asking for empty boxes. The boxes they usually have there are medium in size and sturdy; and there's always plenty! Try not to get overwhelmed. Just do a little at a time; a couple of boxes a day. For fragile items, write FRAGILE in large letters on all sies of the box and arrows for THIS SIDE UP. If you have 30 days to closing, you should have lots of time.

Some people would rather have a moving company do it all. There are movers who will come in and pack everything down to the last cup, plate, and pair of socks. (For a price, of course.)  When I moved from my rental home to my permanent residence, I used Coastal Transfer out of Georgetown (15 mins South of Pawleys Island). They were inexpensive, FAST, and friendly. Since I had packed up my house myself, they simply loaded it up, and delivered everything to our new home. The entire procedure took 2 hours. They can also do a full scale move for you where they will pack it all for you. Sometimes, if you can afford it, this might be the better option, because they would not move things that were not properly packed for insurance reasons. Contact them and ask them lots of questions about your move.

When moving day arrives, be sure to have lots of water and snacks on hand. If someone can keep the kids and pets, that is a good idea; if not, have the little ones and critters stay in one room that keeps them out of the way of the movers. Also, just like closing, expect the unexpected. Don't plan anything else on moving day if possible. (I know, duh...but I am trying to prevent pitfalls for you!)

Lastly, stay calm and be patient. It will all get done eventually. Just try to relax and enjoy the ride. Soon, you will be settling into your new home!!

Happy House Hunting!